I love celebrating holidays with my girls. Even though we did a lot of Easter celebrating with eggs and bunnies, I try to remember the real reason we're celebrating. I am so grateful for the Savior and his Resurrection, especially this time of year. It gives us meaning and purpose to our lives and helps us to live fully of all the blessings He has to offer us.
Somebody is FORTY!!!
6 years ago
Emily, I love that you post pictures of the girls and I particularly enjoyed Gracie's "pose" at the breakfast table! She's a hoot and so full of life. We so missed you this weekend and would have LOVED having you in SLC. Thank you for so willingly sharing Benjamin with us. I love you my sweet daughter-in-law!
OOps, the previous comment was from Nana, not James!
Happy Easter Em! Gracie and Abby are getting tall. I'm glad you had a good easter. It is hard for my kids to focues on the real meaning with so many candy and games at the same time:s
Goodness but you "old" Young Women of mine are just marching right along - you will blink and find yourself attending New Beginnings before you know it!
It was cool hearing your father-in-law's talk on Sunday! I was like, "hey, I can tell he is from Texas (as if I've met him before)." And then sure enough, "Ya, we DO know him!" It sounds like Ben got to go see them :) Congrats!
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