Monday, January 14, 2013

Cousin Christmas

This year we did a "Cousin Christmas" a couple weeks before Christmas since we were all going to be out of town.  Festivities consisted of...
cookie decorating, 
gift exchange,
(eye candy for the girls)

 And an amazing performance of the birth of Jesus.  All on their own the kids put together "the show".  There was absolutely no help from the parents.  They decided who would get each part, the costumes, and the placement of each person.  
First there was the narrator 
then came Mary,
followed by Joseph,
 followed by baby Jesus who was even carried in
 and layed in his mangaer
 and was such a good baby,
 and even stayed in his costume afterwards because he forgot he took all his clothes off underneath.  
It sure was an enjoyable and memorable night!