I was scheduled to be at the hospital at 6am, Wednesday, May 25th for my induction. After waking up that morning at 2am I was anxious to get there. Everything went so easy. I got right in and was at a 4 (and 50% effaced).
They started pitocin at about 8am and shortly after I got my epidural. The doctor checked me again at 10am and I was now at 5cm. He said he would come back at noon during his lunch break and see where I was at.
In the mean time my epidural was only working on one side. After some help from the anesthesiologist, I was soon completely numb on both sides. During this time my monitors on my belly had shifted and so it was showing that I wasn't having contractions. The nurse finally came to reposition them at 11:30 where we found I was in full blown labor.
The doctor showed up at 12:15, checked me, and said I was at a 10 and position 3...the head was right there. He quickly got gowned up and after 3 pushes Olivia was born at 12:34pm
It was soooo fast, that I felt like I barley had any time to take it in. Everything went so well and calm. She was perfect and I felt instant love for her.
Nana came the night before to help take care of the girls. She dropped them off at a friends house right before the delivery and just missed Olivia's birth. We are so thankful for her willingness to come help and be here to take care of us.
Later that afternoon the girls came to meet their new sister.
The both brought her a present that they picked out all by themselves. I thought it was hilarious that Abby wanted to give Olivia a "taggie" exactly the same as hers.
We were discharged from the hospital 24hrs after the birth.
The rest of the afternoon was spent together in our house. It was a bit crazy with three kids and I know I have a lot to get used to, but it felt so good all being together.
The next morning (Friday) Nana took Gracie and Abby with her to Dallas to her house so that Ben and I could finish getting the house all packed up. It was so helpful being able to do this with the girls gone and being able to enjoy Olivia to ourselves for a couple of days.
The girls were really cute saying goodbye to our house and walked through all the rooms saying goodbye.
Tomorrow we load up the truck and head to Dallas to get the girls. I will fly with them (with the help of Nana) while Ben drives the car to California. What a journey these past few days have been, but it has been a wonderful journey...
Somebody is FORTY!!!
6 years ago
Wow! Can't believe it. You have so much going on! She's adorable. Third kids always seem to be so easy going. I hope it stays that way!! Good luck with everything and welcome to California! :)
I dont know how you got everything done with your house with that new little one. You are amazing! Keep is updated on your family while in Cali. I know those of us in Texas are going to miss your family and your smiling face! Have a safe trip!
Wow, moving is an emotional (and stressful!) time in itself. Add to that a birth, and you're clearly got your hands full! Good luck with everything, and congrats adorable Olivia and a smooth labor experience!
She is SOOOO beautiful! Good luck with your move tomorrow. Ashlyn was 5 days old when we moved from Bryan to Temple. I was a sobbing, stressed, emotional wreck - and we only moved an hour and a half away. I'm sure you'll handle it much better than me! :)
That is a journey and sounds very familiar...except I had four weeks on you. That is sooo quick! Enjoy the next chapter...congratulations on everything!
Boy, I'm impressed at your stamina. Must have been your Young Women training!! We are looking forward to your being back in the Golden State!!
Hope your move is smooth! I can't believe you guys are doing everything all at once! Good luck!! You look really great by the way!
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