The Birthday Girls day consisted of...
Cinnamon rolls
Play date at the park where we brought cupcakes, followed by lunch at Chick-Fil-A
Color Me Mine
She loved it and was very concentrated on her art.
But not quite as concentrated and intense as someone else...
We ended the evening with pancakes for dinner and rented Winnie the Pooh.
Happy Birthday my big 3 Year Old!
Somebody is FORTY!!!
5 years ago
Emily, I laughed out loud at that intense picture of Gracie painting! We're gonna have to do a few crafts all together when I come to town! I love that your girls love to do that stuff. Anyway, Happy Birthday Abby! She is SOO adorable and it looks like she had such a wonderful birthday! I wish we could have been there to celebrate! Love you guys!
That picture of Gracie is hilarious! She looks angry almost. Hahaha- sounds like a super fun day!
Your Guatemala trip looks so fun! It seems like Ben's parents have been there a long time!
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